Difference between revisions of "W"

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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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[[Wales, Margaret]]
[[Wales, Margaret]]
[[Walker, Francis]]
[[Walker, John]]
[[Walker, John]]
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[[Wallace, Hugh]]
[[Wallace, Hugh]]
[[Wallace, James]]
[[Wallace, Thomas]]
[[Wallace, ?]]
[[Wallace, ?]]
[[Wallece, Alexander]]
[[Wallece, Alexander]]
[[Wallis, Anne]]
[[Wallis, William]]
[[Wallis, William]]
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[[Warrender, George]]
[[Warrender, George]]
[[Warrender, Hugh]]
[[Watson, Adam]]
[[Watson, Adam]]
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[[Watson, George]]
[[Watson, George]]
[[Watson, George (London)]]
[[Watt, James]]
[[Watt, James]]
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[[Weatherly, Thomas]]
[[Weatherly, Thomas]]
[[Weatherspin, Robert]]
[[Weatherston, Thomas]]
[[Weatherston, Thomas]]
[[Webster, George]]
[[Weddall, William]]
[[Weddall, William]]
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[[Wedderburn, John (London)]]
[[Wedderburn, John (London)]]
[[Wedderburn, John (London) 1]]
[[Weir, Daniel]]
[[Weir, Daniel]]
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[[Westwater, Elinor]]
[[Westwater, Elinor]]
[[Whaffe, Hugh]]
[[White, Alexander]]
[[White, Alexander]]
[[White, John]]
[[White, John]]
[[White, John (London)]]
[[White, Mary]]
[[White, Mary]]
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[[Wilsone, John]]
[[Wilsone, John]]
[[Wishart, Alexander]]
[[Wishart, George]]
[[Wishart, George]]
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[[Woolson, Robert]]
[[Woolson, Robert]]
[[Wright, Archibald]]
[[Wright, Cicely]]
[[Wright, Cicely]]
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[[Wright, William (London)]]
[[Wright, William (London)]]
[[Wright, William (London) 1]]
[[Wroe, Edward]]
[[Wroe, Edward]]

Latest revision as of 13:06, 22 August 2016

Waddy, James

Wadell, David

Waele, William

Wait, James

Wales, Margaret

Walker, Francis

Walker, John

Walker, Joseph

Walker, Robert

Walker, Thomas

Wallace, Archibald

Wallace, Hugh

Wallace, James

Wallace, Thomas

Wallace, ?

Wallece, Alexander

Wallis, Anne

Wallis, William

Wanlaw, Isabel

Wanless, John

Ware, Mungo

Warner, John

Warner, Patrick

Warrender, George

Warrender, Hugh

Watson, Adam

Watson, James

Watson, James (London)

Watson, John

Watson, George

Watson, George (London)

Watt, James

Watt, James (London)

Watt, Robert

Watt, William

Weare, Andrew

Weare, Archibald

Weatherit, Cathrine

Weatherit, David

Weatherly, David

Weatherly, Thomas

Weatherspin, Robert

Weatherston, Thomas

Webster, George

Weddall, William

Wedderburn, Alexander

Wedderburn, James

Wedderburn, John

Wedderburn, John (London)

Wedderburn, John (London) 1

Weir, Daniel

Weir, ?

Welcombe, William

Wells, Robert

Wellwood, James

Welsh, John

Welsh, John (Bristol)

Welsh, Thomas

Wemyss, David

Wemyss, James

Wemyss, Patrick

West, Thomas

West, William

Westwater, Elinor

Whaffe, Hugh

White, Alexander

White, John

White, John (London)

White, Mary

White, Robert

White, William

White, William (Bristol)

Whiteford, James

Whitehead, William

Whitelaw, James

Whitfield, Barbarah

Whitford, David

Whitford, Walter

Whitefoord, Caleb

Wightman, John

Wild, Henry

Wilkie, Thomas

Wilkin, Thomas

Willcock, Thomas

Williams, Hugh

Williamson, John

Williamson, Katherine

Willson, Alexander

Willson, Archibald

Willson, James

Willson, John

Willson, William

Wilson, Adam

Wilson, Alexander

Wilson, Andrew

Wilson, Archibald

Wilson, David

Wilson, Gilbert

Wilson, Henry

Wilson, James

Wilson, John

Wilson, Margaret

Wilson, Robert

Wilson, Thomas

Wilson, William

Wilsone, John

Wishart, Alexander

Wishart, George

Wishart, James

Wishart, William

Wishart, William (Withiel)

Wood, John

Wood, John (Newington)

Wood, Mongo

Wood, William

Woolson, Robert

Wright, Archibald

Wright, Cicely

Wright, Janet

Wright, Jeremiah

Wright, Robert

Wright, Thomas

Wright, William

Wright, William (London)

Wright, William (London) 1

Wroe, Edward

Wrunkin, Christian

Wylie, Robert