Murray, George (England)

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Dates 1755-59, 1762-3, 1769-82, 1790s
Location Kew, Portsmouth, Chatham, Plymouth
Vocation Naval Officer
Place of Birth Tullibardine, Perthshire
Marriage Wilhelmina King
Place of birth Source Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Attended the school of William Rose at Kew (1755-6) and then entered the Royal Naval Academy at Portsmouth 1756-58). Sailed to India (1759) and returned to England in 1762. Did not remain long before he sailed to Jamaica. Again returned to England (1769). Retired to Perthshire in 1782 but entered politics for Perthshire Burghs (1790-6). Whilst an MP resumed naval career. Made commander-in-chief in the Medway at Chatham (1792). He then transferred to Nova Scotia. Returned to England and died at the home of his nephew, Lord George Murray , at Hunton, Kent (1797). Buried at Ockham, Surrey.