Fraser, Simon (London)

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Dates c.1752-57, 1766-82
Location London
Vocation Army officer and lawyer
Place of Birth Castle Downie, Inverness
Marriage Katherine Bristow
Place of birth Source Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; History of Parliament Online

Master of Lovat. Forced to participate by his father, Lord Lovate, in Jacobite rising of 1745. Surrendered in 1747, imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle but granted full parton in 1750. Had begun legal studies at St Andrews (1743) which Fraser completed at the University of Glasgow (1748). Admitted as an advocate (1752) and moved to London shortly thereafter. Called to English bar in 1756 and practiced in London. Continued military involvement and sent to North America (1751). Returned to Britain 1761. In absence, friends has been canvassing his candidature for Inverness-shire, who was elected MP in 1761, much to Fraser's surprise. Absent from Parliament between 1762-66 due to post in Portugal. Closely associated with Wedderburn and Grenville. Confined himself to the American dispute, and army affairs. Died at his house in Downing Street, London in 1782.