Fraser, Simon

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Dates c.1714-19, 1746-7
Location London
Vocation Army officer, Jacobite consipirator, outlaw
Place of Birth Ross-sire
Marriage Margaret (d.1729); Primrose
Issue 6 children
Place of birth Source Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Eleventh Lord Lovat. Graduated King's College, Aberdeen (1683) and joined regiment of John, Lord Murray (first duke of Atholl). Renewed family's relations with James VII and visited the Jacobite court in France. Fled to France for various crimes in 1702. To gain access to Jacobite court, converted to Catholicism. Sent to Scotland (1703) on a fact-finding mission. Political intrigues in Scotland meant that Lovat fell out of favour with Jacobites in France. Staying in London in 1715 (lodgings in Soho). At outbreak of Jacobite rising was convinced to support the House of Hanover. Travelled between Scotland and England (particularly London and Bath) between 1716-19. Returned to Scotland. Head of Clan Lovat with close connections to Duke of Argyll, cementing ties with the whigs. Although a whig,continued to intrigue with Jacobites from time to time. Certainly plotted with Jacobites c.1737. Offered commissions in Jacobite army by Charles - accepted. Arrested after Culloden and transported to London. Stopped in St. Albans for interview with William Hogarth. Reached London 1746 and confined in the Tower of London. Convicted March 1747 and executed April 1747. Contrary to his wishes, he was buried in the Tower.