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[[Crockett, John]]
[[Crockett, John]]
[[Crow, Francis]]
[[Cumming, John]]
[[Cumming, John]]

Revision as of 18:20, 14 February 2014

Cairlylle, Thomas

Cairns, John

Cairns, William

Caldwell, Andrew

Call, Alexander

Callender, Edward

Cambell, Patrick

Campbell, Anne

Campbell, Archibald

Campbell, Archibald (London)

Campbell, Archibald (London) 1

Campbell, David

Campbell, Henreta

Campbell, James

Campbell, James (Branton)

Campbell, James (London)

Campbell, James (London) 1

Campbell, John

Campbell, John (London)

Campbell, John (London) 1

Campbell, John (Warwickshire)

Campbell, Margaret

Campbell, Nicholas

Campbell, Robert

Camron, John

Canaries, James

Cantle, Alexander

Carmichael, Alexander

Carmichell, William

Carmont, John

Carnegy, Robert

Carnes, Alexander

Carr, Alexander

Carr, Isabel

Carr, John

Carr, Robert

Carruthers, Thomas

Carse, John

Carson, William

Carstares, William

Carswell, William

Cassills, Eupham

Chambers, James

Charteris, Francis

Charters, Robert

Chartres, Thomas

Cheyne, Alexander

Cheyne, George

Chisholme, William

Chrisley, James

Chrystie, George

Chrystie, William

Clark, Bridget

Clark, James

Clark, John

Clark, John (Berwick-upon-Tweed)

Clarke, Catherine

Clarke, Elizabeth

Clarke, John

Clarke, John (England)

Clarke, William

Clefton, William

Cleland, James

Clenn, David

Clunie, John

Cockburn, Adam

Cockburn, Alexander

Cockburn, Alexander (Berwick-upon-Tweed)

Cockburn, James

Cockburn, John

Cockburn, William

Cokkie, Henry

Condie, Thomas

Connelly, John

Cookson, John

Corbett, Robert

Cormack, William

Cory, Archibald

Cosser, James

Courtney, Thomas

Coutts, James

Coutts, Thomas

Cowie, John

Cowlie, Andrew

Craig, John

Craige, John

Crake, Michael

Cranfurd, John

Cranston, John

Cranston, John (Berwick-upon-Tweed)

Crawford, George

Crawford, Gideon

Crichton, James

Crichton, John

Crichton, John (London)

Crocket, William

Crockett, John

Crow, Francis

Cumming, John

Cunningham, James

Cunningham, Jennette

Cunningham, William

Cuthbert, John

Cuthbertson, William