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(81 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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[[Sanderson, Robert]]
[[Sanderson, Robert]]
[[Sanderson, Robert (England)]]
[[Sandiland, Andrew]]
[[Sandiland, Andrew]]
[[Sandilands, James]]
[[Sangster, John]]
[[Schaw, William]]
[[Schaw, William]]
[[Scklaundris, John]]
[[Scot, Mary]]
[[Scot, Mary]]
[[Scott, Anna]]
[[Scott, Anna]]
[[Scott, David]]
[[Scott, Grizel]]
[[Scott, Henry]]
[[Scott, Henry]]
Line 24: Line 36:
[[Scott, James (Bristol)]]
[[Scott, James (Bristol)]]
[[Scott, James (London)]]
[[Scott, James (London) 1]]
[[Scott, John]]
[[Scott, John]]
[[Scott, John (London)]]
[[Scott, John (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)]]
[[Scott, John (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)]]
[[Scott, Margaret]]
[[Scott, Mary]]
[[Scott, Mary]]
[[Scott, Robert]]
[[Scott, Robert]]
[[Scott, Robert (London)]]
[[Scott, Thomas]]
[[Scott, Thomas]]
[[Scott, Walter]]
[[Scott, Walter]]
[[Scott, Walter (London)]]
[[Scott, Walter (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)]]
[[Scott, William]]
[[Scott, William]]
[[Seaton, George]]
[[Seaton, John]]
[[Seaton, John]]
[[Semple, James]]
[[Semple, Gabriel]]
[[Semple, Gabriel]]
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[[Seton, Alexander (London)]]
[[Seton, Alexander (London)]]
[[Seton, George]]
[[Seton, John Thomas]]
[[Shand, John]]
[[Shand, John]]
[[Shanks, Harry]]
[[Shanks, Harry]]
[[Sharpe, John]]
[[Shaw, David]]
[[Shaw, David]]
[[Shaw, Peter]]
[[Shaw, John]]
[[Shaw, William]]
[[Shearer, Andrew]]
[[Shearer, Andrew]]
[[Shearer, John]]
[[Shearer, John]]
[[Sheels, William]]
[[Sheild, James]]
[[Sheild, James]]
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[[Sheriff, James]]
[[Sheriff, James]]
[[Shield, Alexander]]
[[Shield, Andrew]]
[[Shield, Andrew]]
[[Shields, Alexander]]
[[Shields, Andrew]]
[[Shields, Andrew]]
[[Short, Thomas]]
[[Short, Thomas]]
[[Short, ?]]
[[Showewoode, George]]
[[Sibbald, David]]
[[Sibbald, David]]
Line 104: Line 156:
[[Sinclair, James]]
[[Sinclair, James]]
[[Sinclair, Jane]]
[[Sinclair, John]]
[[Sinclair, John]]
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[[Sinnemon, Robert]]
[[Sinnemon, Robert]]
[[Skeene, John]]
[[Skillinglaw, James]]
[[Skillinglaw, James]]
[[Sleeth, John]]
[[Slost, James]]
[[Slost, James]]
Line 130: Line 188:
[[Smart, William]]
[[Smart, William]]
[[Smellie, David]]
[[Smellie, Robert]]
[[Smellie, William]]
[[Smellie, William]]
[[Smibert, John]]
[[Smiley, John]]
[[Smith, Andrew]]
[[Smith, Catherine]]
[[Smith, David]]
[[Smith, David (London)]]
[[Smith, Edward]]
[[Smith, Edward]]
[[Smith, Elizabeth]]
[[Smith, George]]
[[Smith, George]]
Line 147: Line 223:
[[Smith, John]]
[[Smith, John]]
[[Smith, John (Morland)]]
[[Smith, John (Carlton)]]
[[Smith, John (Leeds)]]
[[Smith, John (London)]]
[[Smith, John (London)]]
[[Smith, John (Morland)]]
[[Smith, Katherine]]
[[Smith, Katherine]]
Line 156: Line 236:
[[Smith, Patrick]]
[[Smith, Patrick]]
[[Smith, Robert]]
[[Smith, Thomas]]
[[Smith, Thomas]]
[[Smith, Thomas (London)]]
[[Smith, Thomas (Alston)]]
[[Smith, Thomas (Alston)]]
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[[Smith, William]]
[[Smith, William]]
[[Smiton, Joseph]]
[[Smollett, Tobias]]
[[Smollett, Tobias]]
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[[Solden, Hester]]
[[Solden, Hester]]
[[Somervell, Lawrence]]
[[Somervill, John]]
[[Somerville, James]]
[[Somerville, James]]
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[[Sommervell, John]]
[[Sommervell, John]]
[[Southerland, William]]
[[Spalding, Augustus]]
[[Spalding, Augustus]]
[[Spence, James]]
[[Spence, Thomas]]
[[Spence, Thomas]]
[[Spencer, Elizabeth]]
[[Spancks, Alexander]]
[[Spottiswood, Robert]]
[[Spottiswoode, James]]
[[Spottiswoode, John]]
[[Spottiswoode, John]]
[[Sproll, John]]
[[Sprott, Thomas]]
[[Sprott, Thomas]]
[[St. Clair, James]]
[[St. Clair, William]]
[[St. Clair, William]]
[[St Clare, Robert]]
[[St Clare, Robert]]
[[Stage, George]]
[[Stalker, James]]
[[Steel, Edward]]
[[Steel, Edward]]
Line 204: Line 314:
[[Stephin, George]]
[[Stephin, George]]
[[Stepney, Walter]]
[[Sterling, Thomas]]
[[Sterling, Thomas]]
[[Steuart, George]]
[[Steuart, George]]
[[Steuart, William]]
[[Stevenson, Edward]]
[[Stevenson, Edward]]
[[Stevenson, Robert]]
[[Stevenson, Robert]]
[[Stevenson, Thomas]]
[[Steward, Archibald]]
[[Steward, Archibald]]
[[Steward, John]]
[[Steward, Margaret]]
[[Stewart, Archibald]]
[[Stewart, Catharine]]
[[Stewart, Catharine]]
[[Stewart, Dougal]]
[[Stewart, Elizabeth]]
[[Stewart, Francis]]
[[Stewart, George]]
[[Stewart, George]]
[[Stewart, James]]
[[Stewart, James]]
[[Stewart, James (London)]]
[[Stewart, James (London) 1]]
[[Stewart, James (London) 2]]
[[Stewart, James (London) 3]]
[[Stewart, James (London) 4]]
[[Stewart, James (of Goodtrees)]]
[[Stewart, John]]
[[Stewart, John]]
[[Stewart, John (England)]]
[[Stewart, John (London)]]
[[Stewart, John (London)]]
[[Stewart, John (London) 1]]
[[Stewart, John (London) 2]]
[[Stewart, John (London) 3]]
[[Stewart, John (London) 4]]
[[Stewart, John (London) 5]]
[[Stewart, Margaret]]
[[Stewart, Mary]]
[[Stewart, Patrick]]
[[Stewart, Patrick]]
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[[Stewart, Robert (Barbados)]]
[[Stewart, Robert (Barbados)]]
[[Stewart, Robert (London)]]
[[Stewart, Walter]]
[[Stewart, Walter]]
[[Stewart, Walter (London)]]
[[Stewart, Walter (London)]]
[[Stewart, Walter (London) 1]]
[[Stewart, Walter (London) 2]]
[[Stewart, William]]
[[Stewart, William (London)]]
[[Stewson, James]]
[[Stirling, William]]
[[Stoby, William]]
[[Stoby, William]]
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[[Strachen, George]]
[[Strachen, George]]
[[Strahan, William]]
[[Strange, Robert]]
[[Strange, Robert]]
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[[Stuart, James]]
[[Stuart, James]]
[[Stuart, James (London)]]
[[Stuart, James (London) 1]]
[[Stuart, James (London) 2]]
[[Stuart Mackenzie, James]]
[[Stuart, John]]
[[Stuart, John]]
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[[Stuart, John (London) 1]]
[[Stuart, John (London) 1]]
[[Stuart, John (London) 2]]
[[Stuart, Patrick]]
[[Stuart, Walter]]
[[Stuart, Walter]]
[[Sturgeon, Herbert]]
[[Summerbell, Agnes]]
[[Summerbell, Agnes]]
[[Sutherland, Alexander]]
[[Sutherland, Alexander]]
[[Sutherland, George]]
[[Sutherland, James]]
[[Sutherland, James]]
[[Sutherland, John]]
[[Sutherland, John]]
[[Sutherland, John (London)]]
[[Sutherland, John (Kensington)]]
[[Sutherland, Robert]]
[[Sutherland, Robert]]
[[Syme, ?]]
[[Sutherland, William]]
[[Sutherland, William (London)]]
[[Sutherland, William (London) 1]]
[[Sutherland, William (London) 2]]
[[Swainston, William]]
[[Swan, John]]
[[Sword, Andrew]]
[[Sydserf, James]]
[[Syme, John]]
[[Symers, ?]]
[[Symmer, Robert]]

Latest revision as of 13:03, 22 August 2016

Sampson, James

Sanderson, Adam

Sanderson, James

Sanderson, Ninian

Sanderson, Robert

Sanderson, Robert (England)

Sandiland, Andrew

Sandilands, James

Sangster, John

Schaw, William

Scklaundris, John

Scot, Mary

Scott, Anna

Scott, David

Scott, Grizel

Scott, Henry

Scott, Henry (Newby)

Scott, James

Scott, James (Bristol)

Scott, James (London)

Scott, James (London) 1

Scott, John

Scott, John (London)

Scott, John (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)

Scott, Margaret

Scott, Mary

Scott, Robert

Scott, Robert (London)

Scott, Thomas

Scott, Walter

Scott, Walter (London)

Scott, Walter (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)

Scott, William

Seaton, George

Seaton, John

Semple, James

Semple, Gabriel

Seton, Alexander

Seton, Alexander (London)

Seton, George

Seton, John Thomas

Shand, John

Shanks, Harry

Sharpe, John

Shaw, David

Shaw, Peter

Shaw, John

Shaw, William

Shearer, Andrew

Shearer, John

Sheels, William

Sheild, James

Shell, Henrie

Shell, Martyn

Shell, ?

Sheriff, James

Shield, Alexander

Shield, Andrew

Shields, Alexander

Shields, Andrew

Short, Thomas

Short, ?

Showewoode, George

Sibbald, David

Sibbald, James

Sibbald, Robert

Simpson, Andrew

Simpson, Archibald

Simpson, Charles

Simpson, David

Simpson, George

Simpson, William

Simpson, William (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)

Simson, George

Simson, John

Simson, Matthias

Simson, William

Sinclair, David

Sinclair, James

Sinclair, Jane

Sinclair, John

Sinclair, William

Sinclair, William (Bristol)

Sinclare, Alexander

Sing, Anthony

Sinnemon, Robert

Skeene, John

Skillinglaw, James

Sleeth, John

Slost, James

Small, John

Smart, Adam

Smart, Alexander

Smart, James

Smart, William

Smellie, David

Smellie, Robert

Smellie, William

Smibert, John

Smiley, John

Smith, Andrew

Smith, Catherine

Smith, David

Smith, David (London)

Smith, Edward

Smith, Elizabeth

Smith, George

Smith, George (Berwick-upon-Tweed)

Smith, Hugh

Smith, James

Smith, James (London)

Smith, John

Smith, John (Carlton)

Smith, John (Leeds)

Smith, John (London)

Smith, John (Morland)

Smith, Katherine

Smith, Martha

Smith, Patrick

Smith, Robert

Smith, Thomas

Smith, Thomas (London)

Smith, Thomas (Alston)

Smith, Thomas (Bristol)

Smith, William

Smiton, Joseph

Smollett, Tobias

Snaden, Walter

Snowie, John

Solden, Hester

Somervell, Lawrence

Somervill, John

Somerville, James

Somerville, James (London)

Somerville, James (London) 1

Sommervell, John

Southerland, William

Spalding, Augustus

Spence, James

Spence, Thomas

Spencer, Elizabeth

Spancks, Alexander

Spottiswood, Robert

Spottiswoode, James

Spottiswoode, John

Sproll, John

Sprott, Thomas

St. Clair, James

St. Clair, William

St Clare, Robert

Stage, George

Stalker, James

Steel, Edward

Steele, William

Stephenson, Alexander

Stephenson, Margaret

Stephenson, William

Stephin, George

Stepney, Walter

Sterling, Thomas

Steuart, George

Steuart, William

Stevenson, Edward

Stevenson, Robert

Stevenson, Thomas

Steward, Archibald

Steward, John

Steward, Margaret

Stewart, Archibald

Stewart, Catharine

Stewart, Dougal

Stewart, Elizabeth

Stewart, Francis

Stewart, George

Stewart, James

Stewart, James (London)

Stewart, James (London) 1

Stewart, James (London) 2

Stewart, James (London) 3

Stewart, James (London) 4

Stewart, James (of Goodtrees)

Stewart, John

Stewart, John (England)

Stewart, John (London)

Stewart, John (London) 1

Stewart, John (London) 2

Stewart, John (London) 3

Stewart, John (London) 4

Stewart, John (London) 5

Stewart, Margaret

Stewart, Mary

Stewart, Patrick

Stewart, Robert

Stewart, Robert (Barbados)

Stewart, Robert (London)

Stewart, Walter

Stewart, Walter (London)

Stewart, Walter (London) 1

Stewart, Walter (London) 2

Stewart, William

Stewart, William (London)

Stewson, James

Stirling, William

Stoby, William

Stockdon, William

Stodard, John

Story, John

Story, Simon

Strachan, David

Strachan, Margaret

Strachen, George

Strahan, William

Strange, Robert

Stranthan, James

Stratton, Alexander

Stuard, William

Stuart, Alexander

Stuart, Charles

Stuart, Elizabeth

Stuart, Henry

Stuart, James

Stuart, James (London)

Stuart, James (London) 1

Stuart, James (London) 2

Stuart Mackenzie, James

Stuart, John

Stuart, John (London)

Stuart, John (London) 1

Stuart, John (London) 2

Stuart, Patrick

Stuart, Walter

Sturgeon, Herbert

Summerbell, Agnes

Sutherland, Alexander

Sutherland, James

Sutherland, John

Sutherland, John (London)

Sutherland, John (Kensington)

Sutherland, Robert

Sutherland, William

Sutherland, William (London)

Sutherland, William (London) 1

Sutherland, William (London) 2

Swainston, William

Swan, John

Sword, Andrew

Sydserf, James

Syme, John

Symers, ?

Symmer, Robert