Difference between revisions of "C"

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(19 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 20: Line 20:
[[Callender, Edward]]
[[Callender, Edward]]
[[Cambell, John]]
[[Cambell, Patrick]]
[[Cambell, Patrick]]
Line 54: Line 56:
[[Campbell, Duncan (Harrogate)]]
[[Campbell, Duncan (Harrogate)]]
[[Campbell, Duncan (London)]]
[[Campbell, Duncan (London) 1]]
[[Campbell, Frederick]]
[[Campbell, Frederick]]
[[Campbell, Gilbert]]
[[Campbell, Henreta]]
[[Campbell, Henreta]]
Line 104: Line 112:
[[Campbell, John (Warwickshire)]]
[[Campbell, John (Warwickshire)]]
[[Campbell, Lylly]]
[[Campbell, Margaret]]
[[Campbell, Margaret]]
Line 116: Line 126:
[[Campbell, Rose]]
[[Campbell, Rose]]
[[Campbell, Walter]]
[[Campbell, William]]
[[Campbell, William]]
Line 136: Line 148:
[[Carmichael, Alexander]]
[[Carmichael, Alexander]]
[[Carmichael, Alexander (London)]]
[[Carmichael, James]]
[[Carmichael, James]]
Line 169: Line 183:
[[Carr, Robert]]
[[Carr, Robert]]
[[Carr, Robert (England)]]
[[Carr, Robert (London)]]
[[Carr, William]]
[[Carre, John]]
[[Carre, John]]
[[Carruthers, Samuel]]
[[Carruthers, Thomas]]
[[Carruthers, Thomas]]
Line 182: Line 200:
[[Carswell, William]]
[[Carswell, William]]
[[Case, John]]
[[Cassills, Eupham]]
[[Cassills, Eupham]]
Line 188: Line 208:
[[Cathcart, Charles (London)]]
[[Cathcart, Charles (London)]]
[[Cathell, Robert]]
[[Caughorn, John]]
[[Caughorn, John]]
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[[Cawan, James]]
[[Cawan, James]]
[[Chalmers, Charles]]
[[Chalmers, George]]
[[Chalmers, George]]
[[Chalmers, James]]
[[Chalmers, James]]
[[Chalmers, Patrick]]
[[Chambers, George]]
[[Chambers, James]]
[[Chambers, James]]
[[Chambers, James (London)]]
[[Chambers, Robert]]
[[Chambers, Robert]]
Line 208: Line 238:
[[Chamlett, Richard]]
[[Chamlett, Richard]]
[[Chandler, Samuel]]
[[Chaplin, Thomas]]
[[Chapman, John]]
[[Chapman, John]]
Line 216: Line 250:
[[Chartres, Thomas]]
[[Chartres, Thomas]]
[[Chattoe, Thomas]]
[[Cheyne, Alexander]]
[[Cheyne, Alexander]]
Line 234: Line 270:
[[Christie, William]]
[[Christie, William]]
[[Christy, William]]
[[Chrystie, George]]
[[Chrystie, George]]
Line 240: Line 278:
[[Clapham, James]]
[[Clapham, James]]
[[Clark, Ann]]
[[Clark, Bridget]]
[[Clark, Bridget]]
Line 252: Line 292:
[[Clark, John (Bristol)]]
[[Clark, John (Bristol)]]
[[Clark, Mary]]
[[Clark, Robert]]
[[Clark, Robert]]
[[Clark, William]]
[[Clark, ?]]
[[Clark, ?]]
[[Clarke, Alexander]]
[[Clarke, Catherine]]
[[Clarke, Catherine]]
[[Clarke, Elizabeth]]
[[Clarke, Elizabeth]]
[[Clarke, James]]
[[Clarke, Jamie]]
[[Clarke, Jamie]]
Line 274: Line 322:
[[Clefton, William]]
[[Clefton, William]]
[[Clegthorne, James]]
[[Cleland, James]]
[[Cleland, James]]
Line 282: Line 332:
[[Clerk, Agnes]]
[[Clerk, Agnes]]
[[Clerk, Henry]]
[[Cleugh, James]]
[[Cleugh, James]]
Line 288: Line 340:
[[Clunie, John]]
[[Clunie, John]]
[[Cochran, William]]
[[Cochrane, John]]
[[Cochrane, John]]
Line 316: Line 370:
[[Cokkie, Henry]]
[[Cokkie, Henry]]
[[Cokkie, James]]
[[Cokound, John]]
[[Cokound, John]]
Line 328: Line 384:
[[Colvile, Robert]]
[[Colvile, Robert]]
[[Colwell, James]]
[[Common, James]]
[[Common, James]]
Line 370: Line 428:
[[Coutts, Thomas (London)]]
[[Coutts, Thomas (London)]]
[[Covan, Alexander]]
[[Coventry, Andrew]]
[[Coventry, Andrew]]
[[Coventry, Robert]]
[[Cowale, James]]
[[Cowale, James]]
[[Cowan, John]]
[[Cowie, John]]
[[Cowie, John]]
[[Cowlie, Andrew]]
[[Cowlie, Andrew]]
[[Cracken, William]]
[[Craford, James]]
[[Craford, James]]
[[Craford, William]]
[[Craford, William]]
[[Crage, John]]
[[Craiden, Peter]]
[[Craiden, Peter]]
Line 398: Line 466:
[[Crake, Michael]]
[[Crake, Michael]]
[[Crake, Michael (London)]]
[[Cram, John]]
[[Cram, John]]
Line 408: Line 478:
[[Cranston, John (Berwick-upon-Tweed)]]
[[Cranston, John (Berwick-upon-Tweed)]]
[[Cranston, John (London)]]
[[Cranstoun, William Henry]]
[[Cranstoun, William Henry]]
Line 414: Line 486:
[[Crawford, Adam]]
[[Crawford, Adam]]
[[Crawford, Andrew]]
[[Crawford, Christopher]]
[[Crawford, George]]
[[Crawford, George]]
[[Crawford, Gideon]]
[[Crawford, Gideon]]
[[Crawford, John]]
[[Crawford, Lawrence]]
[[Crawford, Lawrence]]
[[Crawford, Patrick]]
[[Crawford, Thomas]]
[[Crawforthe, John]]
[[Crawforthe, John]]
Line 428: Line 510:
[[Creichton, James]]
[[Creichton, James]]
[[Creighton, Robert]]
[[Crichton, James]]
[[Crichton, James]]
Line 438: Line 522:
[[Criech, Andrew]]
[[Criech, Andrew]]
[[Crighton, John]]
[[Cristall, Alexander]]
[[Cristall, Alexander]]
Line 452: Line 538:
[[Crosby, Bryan]]
[[Crosby, Bryan]]
[[Crosby, George]]
[[Crow, Frances]]
[[Crow, Frances]]
[[Crow, George]]
[[Crowden, John]]
[[Crowden, John]]
[[Cruden, Alexander]]
[[Cruden, Alexander]]
[[Cruickshank, Christian]]
[[Cuming, John]]
[[Cumming, Alexander]]
[[Cumming, Alexander]]
Line 464: Line 558:
[[Cumming, John]]
[[Cumming, John]]
[[Cummins, John]]
[[Cuninghame, Alexander]]
[[Cuninghame, Alexander]]
[[Cunningham, Alexander]]
[[Cunningham, Anne]]
[[Cunningham, Anne]]
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[[Cunningham, David]]
[[Cunningham, David]]
[[Cunningham, David (England)]]
[[Cunningham, Frances]]
[[Cunningham, Henry]]
[[Cunningham, Henry]]
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[[Cunningham, William]]
[[Cunningham, William]]
[[Cunyngham, William]]
[[Cunynghame, James]]
[[Cunynghame, James]]
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[[Curry, James]]
[[Curry, James]]
[[Cursnick, Alexander]]
[[Cuthbert, John]]
[[Cuthbert, John]]

Latest revision as of 13:10, 22 August 2016

Cadger, David

Cairlylle, Thomas

Cairncrosse, Nicholas

Cairns, John

Cairns, William

Caldcleugh, Margaret

Caldwell, Andrew

Calfeild, Darby

Call, Alexander

Callender, Alexander

Callender, Edward

Cambell, John

Cambell, Patrick

Cameron, John

Cammoron, Robert

Campbell, Alexander Hume

Campbell, Anne

Campbell, Archibald

Campbell, Archibald (London)

Campbell, Archibald (London) 1

Campbell, Archibald (London) 2

Campbell, Charles

Campbell, Colen

Campbell, Daniel

Campbell, Daniel (London)

Campbell, David

Campbell, Dugald

Campbell, Duncan

Campbell, Duncan (Harrogate)

Campbell, Duncan (London)

Campbell, Duncan (London) 1

Campbell, Frederick

Campbell, Gilbert

Campbell, Henreta

Campbell, Hugh Hume

Campbell, James

Campbell, James (Brampton)

Campbell, James (London)

Campbell, James (London) 1

Campbell, James (London) 2

Campbell, James (London) 3

Campbell, James (London) 4

Campbell, James (London) 5

Campbell, James (London) 6

Campbell, John

Campbell, John (Bristol)

Campbell, John (Essex)

Campbell, John (London)

Campbell, John (London) 1

Campbell, John (London) 2

Campbell, John (London) 3

Campbell, John (London) 4

Campbell, John (London) 5

Campbell, John (London) 6

Campbell, John (London) 7

Campbell, John (Westminster)

Campbell, John (Warwickshire)

Campbell, Lylly

Campbell, Margaret

Campbell, Nicholas

Campbell, Patrick

Campbell, Pryse

Campbell, Robert

Campbell, Rose

Campbell, Walter

Campbell, William

Campbell, William (London)

Campbell, Willielma

Capleman, Richard

Camron, John

Canaries, James

Cantle, Alexander

Carde, James

Cargill, Thomas

Carmichael, Alexander

Carmichael, Alexander (London)

Carmichael, James

Carmichell, William

Carmont, John

Carnaby, George

Carnegie, James

Carnegie, John

Carnegy, Robert

Carnes, Alexander

Carney, John

Carr, Alexander

Carr, Andrew

Carr, Isabel

Carr, James

Carr, Jane

Carr, John

Carr, Robert

Carr, Robert (London)

Carr, William

Carre, John

Carruthers, Samuel

Carruthers, Thomas

Carse, John

Carson, William

Carstares, William

Carswell, William

Case, John

Cassills, Eupham

Cathcart, Charles

Cathcart, Charles (London)

Cathell, Robert

Caughorn, John

Cavendish, Christian

Caverhill, James

Cawan, James

Chalmers, Charles

Chalmers, George

Chalmers, James

Chalmers, Patrick

Chambers, George

Chambers, James

Chambers, James (London)

Chambers, Robert

Chambers, William

Chamlett, Richard

Chandler, Samuel

Chaplin, Thomas

Chapman, John

Charteris, Francis

Charters, Robert

Chartres, Thomas

Chattoe, Thomas

Cheyne, Alexander

Cheyne, George

Chisholme, William

Chrisley, James

Christie, Alexander

Christie, Elizabeth

Christie, James

Christie, John

Christie, William

Christy, William

Chrystie, George

Chrystie, William

Clapham, James

Clark, Ann

Clark, Bridget

Clark, Charles

Clark, James

Clark, John

Clark, John (Berwick-upon-Tweed)

Clark, John (Bristol)

Clark, Mary

Clark, Robert

Clark, William

Clark, ?

Clarke, Alexander

Clarke, Catherine

Clarke, Elizabeth

Clarke, James

Clarke, Jamie

Clarke, John

Clarke, John (England)

Clarke, Robert

Clarke, William

Clarke, William (London)

Clefton, William

Clegthorne, James

Cleland, James

Clenn, David

Clephane, John

Clerk, Agnes

Clerk, Henry

Cleugh, James

Clevland, William

Clunie, John

Cochran, William

Cochrane, John

Cochrane, John (London)

Cochrane, Thomas

Cochrane, William

Cockburn, Adam

Cockburn, Alexander

Cockburn, Alexander (Berwick-upon-Tweed)

Cockburn, James

Cockburn, John

Cockburn, John (London)

Cockburn, Patrick

Cockburn, William

Cockrain, James

Cokkie, Henry

Cokkie, James

Cokound, John

Colebroth, John

Colquhoun, David

Colone, Adam de

Colvell, Robert

Colvile, Robert

Colwell, James

Common, James

Condie, Thomas

Coningham, James

Connelly, John

Conyngham, John

Cooculree, Robert

Cookson, John

Cooper, Andrew Laidley

Corbett, Robert

Cormack, William

Corss, James

Cory, Archibald

Cosser, James

Courtney, Thomas

Couts, George

Coutts, James

Coutts, James (London)

Coutts, James (London) 1

Coutts, Patrick

Coutts, Thomas

Coutts, Thomas (London)

Covan, Alexander

Coventry, Andrew

Coventry, Robert

Cowale, James

Cowan, John

Cowie, John

Cowlie, Andrew

Cracken, William

Craford, James

Craford, William

Crage, John

Craiden, Peter

Craig, Alexander

Craig, John

Craig, John (London)

Craige, John

Craige, William

Craigie, Robert

Crake, Michael

Crake, Michael (London)

Cram, John

Cranfurd, John

Cranston, Andrew

Cranston, John

Cranston, John (Berwick-upon-Tweed)

Cranston, John (London)

Cranstoun, William Henry

Crauford, Patrick

Crawford, Adam

Crawford, Andrew

Crawford, Christopher

Crawford, George

Crawford, Gideon

Crawford, John

Crawford, Lawrence

Crawford, Patrick

Crawford, Thomas

Crawforthe, John

Creek, ?

Crees, William

Creichton, James

Creighton, Robert

Crichton, James

Crichton, John

Crichton, John (London)

Crichton, Robert

Criech, Andrew

Crighton, John

Cristall, Alexander

Cristall, Andrew

Crocket, William

Crockett, John

Cromwell, Richard

Crookshanks, William

Crosby, Bryan

Crosby, George

Crow, Frances

Crow, George

Crowden, John

Cruden, Alexander

Cruickshank, Christian

Cuming, John

Cumming, Alexander

Cumming, James

Cumming, John

Cummins, John

Cuninghame, Alexander

Cunningham, Alexander

Cunningham, Anne

Cunningham, Archibald

Cunningham, David

Cunningham, David (England)

Cunningham, Frances

Cunningham, Henry

Cunningham, James

Cunningham, Jennette

Cunningham, William

Cunyngham, William

Cunynghame, James

Currey, William

Curry, James

Cursnick, Alexander

Cuthbert, John

Cuthbertson, William

Cutts, Allan

Cutts, George