Difference between revisions of "M"

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(96 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
[[Mabon, Alice]]
[[Mac, Margaret]]
[[Mac, Margaret]]
[[Macky, John]]
[[Madder, John]]
[[Madder, John]]
Line 8: Line 12:
[[Magalok, John]]
[[Magalok, John]]
[[Magee, Margaret]]
[[Magill, Thomas]]
[[Magrigory, John]]
[[Magrigory, John]]
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[[Maitland, Charles]]
[[Maitland, Charles]]
[[Maitland, Charles (London)]]
[[Maitland, John]]
[[Maitland, John]]
Line 26: Line 36:
[[Makain, Andrew]]
[[Makain, Andrew]]
[[Makeclay, John]]
[[Makentosh, James]]
[[Makmath, John]]
[[Makmath, John]]
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[[Malcolm, David]]
[[Malcolm, David]]
[[Mallet, David]]
[[Malcolm, John]]
[[Melvin, William]]
[[Mall, Robert]]
[[Mallet, David]]
[[Man, Alexander]]
[[Man, Alexander]]
Line 44: Line 60:
[[Man, John]]
[[Man, John]]
[[Manderstone, ?]]
[[Mangall, William]]
[[Mangall, William]]
Line 52: Line 70:
[[Mark, Thomas]]
[[Mark, Thomas]]
[[Marks, Ann]]
[[Marks, William]]
[[Marley, John]]
[[Marley, John]]
[[Marr, George]]
[[Marshal, Francis]]
[[Marshal, Francis]]
[[Marshal, George]]
[[Marshal, George]]
[[Marshall, Barbara]]
[[Martin, David]]
[[Martin, John]]
[[Martin, John]]
[[Martin, Robert]]
[[Martin, Robert]]
[[Martin, Robert (London)]]
[[Martin, William]]
[[Martine, Alexander]]
[[Martine, Alexander]]
[[Martine, John]]
[[Martyn, James]]
[[Martynscrifte, Richard]]
[[Martynscrifte, Richard]]
[[Mason, Alexander]]
[[Mather, Patrick]]
[[Mather, Patrick]]
Line 78: Line 116:
[[Matthewson, William]]
[[Matthewson, William]]
[[Maule, John]]
[[Maule, Patrick]]
[[Maule, Patrick]]
[[Maule, William]]
[[Mauthwaite, John]]
[[Mauthwaite, John]]
[[Mawer, Janet]]
[[Mawer, Janet]]
[[Maxton, Patrick]]
[[Maxwell, Alexander]]
[[Maxwell, Francis]]
[[Maxwell, James]]
[[Maxwell, James]]
[[Maxwell, John]]
[[Maxwell, John (Carlisle)]]
[[Maxwell, John (London)]]
[[Maxwell, Robert]]
[[Maxwell, William]]
[[Meadows, John]]
[[Meadows, John]]
[[Meikle, Alexander]]
[[Meikle, Alexander]]
[[Meldrum, John]]
[[Melhuish, Mary]]
[[Melhuish, Mary]]
Line 102: Line 162:
[[Melville, Andrew]]
[[Melville, Andrew]]
[[Melville, George]]
[[Melville, Robert]]
[[Melvin, Peter]]
[[Melvin, Peter]]
[[Melvin, William]]
[[Menning, Isabel]]
[[Menning, Isabel]]
[[Menzies, John]]
[[Menzies, John]]
[[Mercer, John]]
[[Methven, William]]
[[Methven, William]]
Line 114: Line 182:
[[Michaelson, John]]
[[Michaelson, John]]
[[Michell, George]]
[[Michell, John]]
[[Middlemas, Gilbert]]
[[Middlemas, Gilbert]]
[[Middlemist, John]]
[[Middlemist, John]]
[[Middleton, Charles]]
[[Middleton, George]]
[[Middleton, John]]
[[Middleton, John]]
[[Middleton, William]]
[[Middleton, John (London)]]
[[Midleton, George]]
[[Middleton, William]]
[[Milcolm, Isabel]]
[[Milcolm, Isabel]]
[[Mill, James]]
[[Mill, James]]
[[Millar, Andrew]]
[[Millar, Margaret]]
[[Millar, Margaret]]
Line 138: Line 216:
[[Miller, James]]
[[Miller, James]]
[[Miller, James (London)]]
[[Miller, John]]
[[Miller, John]]
[[Miller, John (London)]]
[[Miller, John (London)]]
[[Miller, Sawney]]
[[Miller, Thomas]]
[[Milligan, John]]
[[Millikin, John]]
[[Millikin, John]]
Line 152: Line 238:
[[Milner, William]]
[[Milner, William]]
[[Minis, ?]]
[[Mitchel, Hugh]]
[[Mitchel, Hugh]]
Line 158: Line 246:
[[Mitchell, Andrew]]
[[Mitchell, Andrew]]
[[Mitchell, Andrew (London)]]
[[Mitchell, David]]
[[Mitchell, David]]
[[Mitchell, David (Westminster)]]
[[Mitchell, Eleanor]]
[[Mitchell, Eleanor]]
[[Mitchell, George]]
[[Mitchell, James]]
[[Mitchell, John]]
[[Mitchell, Robert]]
[[Mitchell, Robert]]
Line 168: Line 266:
[[Mitchill, William]]
[[Mitchill, William]]
[[Moddie, Alexander]]
[[Molleson, Barbara]]
[[Molleson, Barbara]]
Line 174: Line 274:
[[Monck, Anne]]
[[Monck, Anne]]
[[Moncreiff, Patrick]]
[[Moncrief, Robert]]
[[Monro, Donald]]
[[Monro, Donald]]
[[Monro, Robert]]
[[Montgomerie, Alexander]]
[[Montgomerie, Alexander (London)]]
[[Montgomerie, Archibald]]
[[Montgomerie, Frances]]
[[Montgomerie, George]]
[[Montgomerie, John]]
[[Montgomerie, John (London)]]
[[Montgomery, Alexander]]
[[Montgomery, Hugh]]
[[Montgomery, James]]
[[Montgomery, James]]
Line 182: Line 306:
[[Montgomery, Robert]]
[[Montgomery, Robert]]
[[Montgomery, Robert (London)]]
[[Montgomery, William]]
[[Montgomery, William]]
[[Montith, Robert]]
[[Moodey, James]]
[[Moodie, James]]
[[Moor, George]]
[[Moor, Jane]]
[[Moor, Jane]]
[[Moore, Anne]]
[[Moore, Anne]]
[[Moore, George]]
[[Moore, Hugo]]
[[Moore, James]]
[[Moore, James]]
[[Moore, James (London)]]
[[Moore, John]]
[[Moore, John]]
[[Moore, Patrick]]
[[Moore, Robert]]
[[More, James]]
[[More, John]]
[[More, Robert]]
[[Moredach, James]]
[[Morehead, William]]
[[Morehead, William (London)]]
[[Morgan, David]]
[[Morgan, James]]
[[Morgan, James]]
[[Morison, Robert]]
[[Morison, William]]
[[Morris, George]]
[[Morris, George]]
[[Morris, Mary]]
[[Morris, Mary (London)]]
[[Morris, William]]
[[Morris, William]]
Line 202: Line 368:
[[Morrison, David]]
[[Morrison, David]]
[[Morrison, James]]
[[Morrison, John]]
[[Morrison, John]]
Line 208: Line 376:
[[Morrow, Andrew]]
[[Morrow, Andrew]]
[[Morrowe, James]]
[[Morton, Robert]]
[[Morton, Robert]]
[[Morton, Thomas]]
[[Morton, William]]
[[Morton, William]]
[[Mosse, John]]
[[Moubray, John]]
[[Moubray, John]]
[[Mouit, John]]
[[Mouit, John]]
[[Muckelley, Robert]]
[[Muirhead, James]]
[[Muirhead, James]]
[[Muirhead, William]]
[[Mulligan, Thomas]]
[[Mullyan, John]]
[[Mullyan, John]]
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[[Munro, Daniel (Severn)]]
[[Munro, Daniel (Severn)]]
[[Munro, Harry]]
[[Munro, James]]
[[Munro, James]]
[[Munro, John]]
[[Munro, Robert]]
[[Murdock, Charles]]
[[Mure, William]]
[[Mure Campbell, James]]
[[Murehead, ?]]
[[Murray, Adam]]
[[Murray, Adam]]
[[Murray, Alexander]]
[[Murray, Alexander (London)]]
[[Murray, Alexander (London) 1]]
[[Murray, Andrew]]
[[Murray, Anne]]
[[Murray, Anthony]]
[[Murray, Charles]]
[[Murray, Charles (London)]]
[[Murray, Cutbert]]
[[Murray, David]]
[[Murray, Elizabeth]]
[[Murray, George]]
[[Murray, George]]
[[Murray, George (England)]]
[[Murray, George (England) 1]]
[[Murray, James]]
[[Murray, James (London)]]
[[Murray, James (London) 1]]
[[Murray, James (London) 2]]
[[Murray, John]]
[[Murray, John]]
[[Murray, John (London)]]
[[Murray, John (London) 1]]
[[Murray, John (London) 2]]
[[Murray, John (Bedale)]]
[[Murray, Patrick]]
[[Murray, Richard]]
[[Murray, Richard]]
Line 240: Line 478:
[[Murray, Robert (Bristol)]]
[[Murray, Robert (Bristol)]]
[[Murray, Roland]]
[[Murray, Thomas]]
[[Murray, Thomas]]
[[Murray, Thomas (London)]]
[[Murray, William]]
[[Murray, William]]
[[Murray, William (London)]]
[[Murrean, ?]]
[[Murrean, ?]]
[[Murry, Margaret]]
[[Murry, William]]
[[Muschet, Thomas]]
[[Muschet, Thomas]]
[[Musgreaue, Alice]]
[[Musgreaue, John]]
[[Musgreaue, Richard]]
[[Muskett, George]]
[[Muskett, George]]
[[Mylne, Alexander]]
[[Mylne, Robert]]
[[Mylne, Robert]]

Latest revision as of 13:12, 22 August 2016

Mabon, Alice

Mac, Margaret

Macky, John

Madder, John

Madder, Robert

Madder, William

Magalok, John

Magee, Margaret

Magill, Thomas

Magrigory, John

Main, John

Main, William

Mairschell, William

Mairtine, William

Maitland, Charles

Maitland, Charles (London)

Maitland, John

Majoribanks, Robert

Makain, Andrew

Makeclay, John

Makentosh, James

Makmath, John

Makum, Walter

Malcolm, Alexander

Malcolm, David

Malcolm, John

Mall, Robert

Mallet, David

Man, Alexander

Man, James

Man, John

Manderstone, ?

Mangall, William

Mannoughton, John

Manson, Thomas

Mark, Thomas

Marks, Ann

Marks, William

Marley, John

Marr, George

Marshal, Francis

Marshal, George

Marshall, Barbara

Martin, David

Martin, John

Martin, Robert

Martin, Robert (London)

Martin, William

Martine, Alexander

Martine, John

Martyn, James

Martynscrifte, Richard


Mason, Alexander

Mather, Patrick

Mathewson, Duncan

Mathieu, Andrew

Mathison, George

Matthewson, William

Maule, John

Maule, Patrick

Maule, William

Mauthwaite, John

Mawer, Janet

Maxton, Patrick

Maxwell, Alexander

Maxwell, Francis

Maxwell, James

Maxwell, John

Maxwell, John (Carlisle)

Maxwell, John (London)

Maxwell, Robert

Maxwell, William

Meadows, John

Meikle, Alexander

Meldrum, John

Melhuish, Mary

Melligan, Andrew

Melross, James

Melvill, Marion

Melville, ?

Melville, Andrew

Melville, George

Melville, Robert

Melvin, Peter

Melvin, William

Menning, Isabel

Menzies, John

Mercer, John

Methven, William

Methwin, Paul

Michaelson, John

Michell, George

Michell, John

Middlemas, Gilbert

Middlemist, John

Middleton, Charles

Middleton, George

Middleton, John

Middleton, John (London)

Middleton, William

Milcolm, Isabel

Mill, James

Millar, Andrew

Millar, Margaret

Miller, Andrew

Miller, George

Miller, Hugh

Miller, James

Miller, James (London)

Miller, John

Miller, John (London)

Miller, Sawney

Miller, Thomas

Milligan, John

Millikin, John

Mills, James

Mills, Thomas

Miln, George

Milner, William

Minis, ?

Mitchel, Hugh

Mitchel, Robert

Mitchell, Andrew

Mitchell, Andrew (London)

Mitchell, David

Mitchell, David (Westminster)

Mitchell, Eleanor

Mitchell, George

Mitchell, James

Mitchell, John

Mitchell, Robert

Mitchell, Thomas

Mitchill, William

Moddie, Alexander

Molleson, Barbara

Molleson, Gilbert

Monck, Anne

Moncreiff, Patrick

Moncrief, Robert

Monro, Donald

Monro, Robert

Montgomerie, Alexander

Montgomerie, Alexander (London)

Montgomerie, Archibald

Montgomerie, Frances

Montgomerie, George

Montgomerie, John

Montgomerie, John (London)

Montgomery, Alexander

Montgomery, Hugh

Montgomery, James

Montgomery, John

Montgomery, Robert

Montgomery, Robert (London)

Montgomery, William

Montith, Robert

Moodey, James

Moodie, James

Moor, George

Moor, Jane

Moore, Anne

Moore, George

Moore, Hugo

Moore, James

Moore, James (London)

Moore, John

Moore, Patrick

Moore, Robert

More, James

More, John

More, Robert

Moredach, James

Morehead, William

Morehead, William (London)

Morgan, David

Morgan, James

Morison, Robert

Morison, William

Morris, George

Morris, Mary

Morris, Mary (London)

Morris, William

Morrison, Bartholomew

Morrison, David

Morrison, James

Morrison, John

Morrison, John (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)

Morrow, Andrew

Morrowe, James

Morton, Robert

Morton, Thomas

Morton, William

Mosse, John

Moubray, John

Mouit, John

Muckelley, Robert

Muirhead, James

Muirhead, William

Mulligan, Thomas

Mullyan, John

Munro, Alexander

Munro, Daniel

Munro, Daniel (Severn)

Munro, Harry

Munro, James

Munro, John

Munro, Robert

Murdock, Charles

Mure, William

Mure Campbell, James

Murehead, ?

Murray, Adam

Murray, Alexander

Murray, Alexander (London)

Murray, Alexander (London) 1

Murray, Andrew

Murray, Anne

Murray, Anthony

Murray, Charles

Murray, Charles (London)

Murray, Cutbert

Murray, David

Murray, Elizabeth

Murray, George

Murray, George (England)

Murray, George (England) 1

Murray, James

Murray, James (London)

Murray, James (London) 1

Murray, James (London) 2

Murray, John

Murray, John (London)

Murray, John (London) 1

Murray, John (London) 2

Murray, John (Bedale)

Murray, Patrick

Murray, Richard

Murray, Robert

Murray, Robert (Bristol)

Murray, Roland

Murray, Thomas

Murray, Thomas (London)

Murray, William

Murray, William (London)

Murrean, ?

Murry, Margaret

Murry, William

Muschet, Thomas

Musgreaue, Alice

Musgreaue, John

Musgreaue, Richard

Muskett, George

Mylne, Alexander

Mylne, Robert